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Delivery and Returns

Delivery Information

How much does delivery cost?

Our standard postage and handling for deliveries within New Zealand is $7.00 on all orders.

All parcels within New Zealand are sent by tracked courier. We ensure that the goods leave us in good condition, we recommend that you check the parcel for damage before accepting the goods. 

When will my order be delivered?

We will endeavour to dispatch your order within 1-3 working days of receiving it.  If you place your order on a Friday, or over the weekend we will process your order on the following Monday. 

In most situations, the couriers we use to ship your order will deliver within 1 - 3 working days. Rural deliveries may take an additional 2 – 3 days, depending on the location, however as delivery is not under our direct control we cannot guarantee the above delivery timeframe. 

Christmas orders need to be placed before 15th December to give them the best chance of arriving before Christmas and to avoid disappointment.


Returns Policy

What is your returns policy?

As all of our Vouchers are personalised and unique we do not offer returns if you change your mind. If any item arrives damaged or faulty then please do not hesitate to contact us and we will endeavour to replace the item for you.

Gift Vouchers are non-transferrable, non-refundable, may not be redeemed or exchanged for cash and can only be redeemed by the person whose name appears on the front of the voucher.